
Showing posts from December, 2014

Dear ex. Watch out, I show you what you've lost about.

I was doing so well without you. It started to hurt less and less each day. I was actually getting somewhere. I stopped missing you. But then my mind wandered to the times that we would be sitting at a red light, in complete silence, and you would stare at me until I had to tell you that the light turned green, and you would blush because you didn’t think that I noticed the way that you looked at me. And then I thought of the time you memorized every line from my favorite movie, because you knew how happy it would make me. And before I could stop myself, I started going through old pictures of us, seeing how happy I was, how happy YOU made me. And then I realized, I never stopped missing you in the first place. “ Discover your self-worth. Perhaps the most important part of reinventing yourself is discovering who you are as an individual. Sometimes ugly things are said in a break-up and you’ll take a lot of it to heart. However, if you discover who you truly are, ...

truth is....

You know you're attached to someone when you've gotten so used to talking to them on daily basis and they've become a part of your happiness. But when you guys don't talk, its like the parts of you is gone and you just start to miss them uncontrollably. I promised myself I would never fall in love with you, but when I was with you we laughed too hard & I knew I was screwed. I want to get to know you; i want to know your favorite color and the music you listen to. I want to know the books you enjoy and what you do in your spare time. I want to know what’s most important to you and the things you stand for. I want to know why you are the way you are and the little things that you adore. I want to know you well enough to ask you how your day went and if it wasn’t so good, i’d know how to make it better.  

fyi. gue copas. source:

2014 -jaman jaman nya anak anak bebas woy foundry yuk cuk woy fable yuk woy beer garden yuk woy clubing yuk kemudian hacep kobam sampe pagi elah ini mah udah wajar bgt buat anak anak jaman skrng kalo ngga gitu gabakal di bilang gaul sampah bgt -eh anjing pim yuk,otw pim nih,gua lagi di 51 nih sini lah gabut bgt gua tai dirumah,anak skrng tempat yg bikin mereka nyaman udah bukan di kamar atau dirumah lagi tapi di 51 pim atau tempat gaul lainya -lo belom gaul kalo lo belom gabung di media sosial kaya path askfm instagram soundcloud yg kemudian banyak mereka salah gunakan buat ajang judge buat ajang pamer buat ajang curhat buat ajang buka bukaan yg menurut mereka itu semua wajar dengan usia mereka yg masih belasan bahkan under 17 -ashaf anak malem bawa mobil ga mandang itu smp atau sma yg penting lo punya mobil bagus drag kebut kebutan masuk tol trus foto speedometer kecepatan maksimal trus share di instagram atau manapun anjing maksud lo apaan?sim gapunya bahkan surat kedewasaan a...