The definition of afraid is when you totally use your safe area, going on with many perception, stepping out, trust the feeling that you cant even know how to flow.
Perempuan itu mudah dibaca. Lelakipun mencari tantangan dalam kemudahan yang dimunculkan. Simpang siur kenyataan ditolak mentah. Ah, lucu ya perjenisan ini. Titik berat bergeser ke axis yang rendah. Bersiul sepertinya. Pola pikir diaduk-aduk sampai semrawut. Diikat sangat kencang hingga menimbulkan kerut-kerut seperti nenek keriput. Perempuan lantas marah karena Lelaki bermain dadu terlalu lama. Judi kecil itu sama bahayanya. Kriminal - kriminal neuron memang suka menghasut, betul tidak? Lelaki terlalu doyan jajan keluyuran dan foyaan. Eh, perempuannya sudah tidak sabaran "Apa Aku ini kurang jelas? Konten sudah singkat, padat, dan komunikatif, Mas. Kok kamu masih kekurangan saja." Lelaki hanya bisa pasang wajah kaku seperti belacu setrikaan yang dilapisi cairan aci. Lelaki mencoba berpikir-pikir apakah tindak-tanduknya tadi salah ataupun kurang benar. Lelaki duduk lalu berdiri, lalu berjongkok. lalu berlari. Luculah pokoknya. Perempuan yang sudah cenut gigi ha...
You know you're attached to someone when you've gotten so used to talking to them on daily basis and they've become a part of your happiness. But when you guys don't talk, its like the parts of you is gone and you just start to miss them uncontrollably. I promised myself I would never fall in love with you, but when I was with you we laughed too hard & I knew I was screwed. I want to get to know you; i want to know your favorite color and the music you listen to. I want to know the books you enjoy and what you do in your spare time. I want to know what’s most important to you and the things you stand for. I want to know why you are the way you are and the little things that you adore. I want to know you well enough to ask you how your day went and if it wasn’t so good, i’d know how to make it better.
This leftover space, just on the edge of the page where I said I could hardly breathe anymore is where you’d write about that one night we went sightseeing on our bounching date and you act really weird and starts saying anything you could said. Saying something about stars and forever and I couldn’t hear you over the loud rumble of the music and the chatter of people, but I knew you said something about eternity, because in the corner of my eye I was starting at an elderly couple and it made my heart dissolve into a million little pieces and carried throughout my veins until every inch of my body was covered in what I could only assume was love and I don’t know how you did it, but somehow you did. Just to the left where I pasted in a photograph of us on a giant Boteva wheel last autumn is where you’d write about the day we spent the entire night on the beach and you plucked falling stars from the sky and fashioned me a crown and told me I was your queen. Slipped your fing...
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